
There are multiple different activities offered near the Vaajasalmi holiday cottages. The area offers different kinds of events and activities; things to see, do and experience, for all the travelers who wish to do so. These activities work as a great balance between relaxing at the cottage and gaining new experiences outside.

Accessories available for cottages

A rowing boat is included in the basic amenities offered at each cottage. Let your mind relax as the water flows right beside you as you make your way at the lake. If you choose to move a bit faster, there is a possibility to rent a small outboard motor to be attached to your boat. More information about the attachable motor can be required via email.

Instead of a rowing boat, you can also rent a canoe, if paddling suits you better than rowing. More information offered via email.

If you would like to enjoy the outdoors instead of sitting behind the wheel in a car, there is also a possibility to rent good quality bikes. More information offered via email.

Nearby areas of our cottages

On the opposite side of the lake, is located the Oravikoski tennis court, which is easily accessible by a rowing boat. The tennis courts are well maintained, asphalt coated, clay courts. You can rent 2pcs of clubs and 5 balls for 10 € / day. To rent, contact Markku, or call 0500 377 577.

There is a sports field and a beach next to the tennis courts. At the sports field, kids and adults can play different sports, i.e. volley ball and football. In the winter, you can go ice skating on a well-maintained ice hockey rink in the same field (it will be set up in this space).

Take a look to the beautiful scenery of Leppävirta

Other sights near Leppävirta

Kekkerikallio has (for a long time) been a popular place for the locals to spend time. You can also grill some sausages etc in here.

Konnus canal area is famous for its five rapids, three canals (of different ages) made of stone, and old locks. The canals have a long history; they were built between the years 1841 and 1973. In addition to these sights, there are also a summer café, a dancing place and a summer theater in the area. Konnus canal area is perfect for hiking and fishing on a beautiful summer day.

Orinoro gorge is one the most beautiful hiking destinations in the Savo region, hence why it has been named as one of the “seven miracles” of Savo. There are high upright walls in the gorge and the place was formed during the ice age. It is accessible by duckboards. The Orinoro hiking trail begins from the Mustinmäki house at Mustinmäentie 83, which is located around 16km from the center of Leppävirta. (in Finnish)

Sport and Spa Hotel Vesileppis in the center of Leppävirta offers countless sports activities, such as bowling, gym and group exercises. The kids will enjoy themselves in the water slides and the bigger swimming pool enables those who want to swim as an exercise, to do that. There is also a restaurant in the hotel.

Those who are seeking more action, should make their way to Seikkailupuisto Leppis, which is an outdoor park offering zip wire routes up in the trees. There are different levels of routes that offer challenges both for kids and adults. (in Finnish)


Up next we have gathered a list of links offering information on local events, up-to-date activities and a taste of the astonishing scenery that Leppävirta has to offer.

Services and events at the Leppävirta area: and

Tourist Center Unnukka offers an info desk where you can find all the information on traveling, events and services at Leppävirta and the surrounding area. There are also a café and a souvenir shop at Unnukka.

From Leppävirta, you can take a day trip to Kuopio, which is the largest city in the North Savo region. There is a lot to see and do in Kuopio. Museums, churches, theaters and malls, to start with.

When the urge to shop hits you, make your way to the shopping center Matkus on the south side of Kuopio. From Matkus, you can find a large selection of different shops, not to mention IKEA. (in Finnish)

Kuopio Marketplace (which has also been playfully called “the center of the world”) is located in the heart of Kuopio and worth visiting. You can buy local products and enjoy the atmosphere of past decades in the Market Hall located in the Marketplace. (in Finnish) (in Finnish)

If you are a friend of good food, you should head to Muikkuravintola Sampo, which offers a delicious menu with various options of sea food. (In Finnish)

Kuopio harbor area is beautiful and enjoyable. It is worth stopping by to eat, walk, play in the playground or just to enjoy the bustle of the harbor. (in Finnish, also available in English)

The district of Puijo in Kuopio offers beautiful scenery as well as places to eat at. The Tower of Puijo is known as a landmark of Kuopio and there are spectacular views from the top of the tower all year round. In addition to this, there are many restaurants in the area.